Days and Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 7 am to 6 pm

Second and third shifts are available by appointment.

All meals and snacks are provided.

Baby Food and wipes are provided for infants and toddlers.

Contact Us

(919) 526-1085

Fees and Tuition

Registration fee: $100.00 Non-refundable

6 weeks to 2 years : $235.00

25 months 4 years: $220.00

4 years to  school age: $185.00

School age Full time: $170.00

School age part-time (3 days or less): $45 per day

Part-time preschoolers: $50 per day

Tuition must be paid in advance Weekly, Bi-weekly, or Monthly by cash, cash app or zelle.  If paying with cash app, please add 1.5% to each payment to cover the cash app fee.